my thrifting Totoro outfit.

So many people on instagram think that my tree is a lemon tree rather than the grapefruit tree that it is than I stopped correcting everyone! I just love the pop of color and using it as a background for my photo shoots.
It's been a busy week with shuffling off to doctors appointments and getting inconclusive lab results on my new meds' progress so my next step is an MRI, wish me luck!

 I last wore my red coat HERE with a pop of plaid!
I last wore my Totoro dress HERE for a Cirque De Soleil xmas show!
I last wore my customized white docs HERE with a chunky sweater and midi dress.
 I'm wearing: beret-vintage (poshmark), trench coat-elevenses (poshmark), totoro dress-hot topic (old), otk socks-xmas gift, boots-dr. martens with custom laces and Miss Patina cat lace charms!

 Did you have a nice weekend?
I've been so busy, my head has been spinning slightly but I am absolutely LOVING the new Pokemon Sword game that I got for Christmas! I am past 5 trainers and I finally got Sir'Fetchd so I feel very accomplished so far! It's a lot of fun and a great way to keep myself entertained.

 I spent THREE HOURS at the thrift store today and am so excited to list my 25+ new items to my Poshmark Closet this week. Definitely stop by for some fresh finds! Lots of treasures. xx
