party wear, NYE inspiration.

 You can't fully see all the details on this cage dress (because it's cold, and layers are necessary) but I think this would be another fun NYE inspired outfit (yesterday was my first of 3).

I last wore my cage dress HERE for Friendsgiving!
I don't wear this blouse super often, it's pretty dressy but I did wear it a long time ago for a meeting day at work HERE with a motojacket and some shiny detail jeans!
I last wore my holographic clogs HERE with one of my most popular 2019 looks!

 I'm wearing: blouse-zara, cage dress-thrifted, tights-target (old), sunglasses-pac sun(old), headband-target (old), choker-upscale cheapskate, clogs-Sven Clogs Holographic medium with black base
 I look and feel pretty glamorous dressed up but I am very shortly planning on changing into pjs and cuddling up in bed since I'm horribly under the weather.
I have a sinus thing from hell and I'm not thrilled and praying it gets better in 24 hours or less...

What are you doing for NYE?
What are you going to wear?
My suggestion is start with shiny shoes or a go-to dress and funk it up! xx
