black & pink, a bit spacey.

Well, I stupidly bought a pair of secondhand clogs in the wrong size, so if you love these clogs in these photos, you can get them for yourself on the ultra cheap HERE please note that they were already heavily used when I bought them! They are a 38 and fit like a 7-7.5!

I last wore my pink dress HERE
I last wore my alien ufo tee HERE
I last wore my pink coat HERE

 I'm wearing: yin yang necklace-katherine tess (old), tee-marshall's, jacket-somedays lovin (poshmark), dress (worn like a skirt)-poshmark, clogs-Sven Clogs (for sale!), socks-pusheen the cat (hot topic), beret-ebay, sunglasses-anthropologie (old)

I hope you're having a nice Tuesday! I'm busy doing art therapy stuff and listening to some chill music. More on that later... xx
