rose stems.

 Today was definitely one of those days I didn't feel the most photogenic even though I loved my outfit, mostly because of my day-after-rain super frizzy hair, I think!

I'm still making the best of it and enjoying some time with my sister when she's in town from Boston!

I last wore my floral dress HERE
I last wore my green clogs HERE with a different olive tee and Sophie doing her best poodle fashion faces!
These tee was recently given to me from my mom. She doesn't wear it anymore. I already have lots of olive stuff and it's slightly low cut for my taste but I decided to try it out with this stem-inspired green accent look today!

 I'm wearing: tee-anthropologie, sunglasses-balenciaga 'bubble', dress-thrifted, bag-kate spade, clogs-lotta from stockholm (eBay)

Monday, when bad hair days are common for me but at least it is a three day weekend! Hooray for that!
