unicorn cats, silver clogs.

 This is probably my favorite 'cat week' outfit so far, although I do really like all of them, this one is super obnoxious and shiny.

It feels sad and weird to not be at a Sedar or taking part in Passover with family, I'm trying to make the best of things and 'stay connected.' Dressing up really does cheer me up, so do bubble baths, pet time, and reading books.
I want to do a recent reads post, maybe this weekend?

I last wore my cat unicorn tee HERE
I last wore my silver skirt HERE
I last wore my silver clogs HERE I was kind of putting them towards the back of my closet since they have a small chip in the wood by the toe but then, once I put them on again, I could hardly notice it! They seem totally fine. I could always try to sand them down a bit with an emory board if it gets more noticeable. Can you tell?

I never wore these socks before, they are totally Free People dupes I found on eBay for $2. No lie. They are pretty cool and I should probably wear them more! I especially like them with the skirt! What do you think?

 I'm wearing: hat-minnetonka, tee-thrifted, skirt-romeo & juliet couture (poshmark), socks-eBay, necklace-thrifted, sunglasses-anthropologie (old), clogs-c/o Sven Clogs 

 Happy Passover if you do celebrate it.
Happy Wednesday, if you don't.
Stay safe & stay home (if you can)! xx
