rocking weekend.

 Whew. Happy Sunday! Yesterday was not a fashionable or bloggy day, I was exhausted and mostly in bed, being a spoonie.
I will say though that I did make it to the gym in the late afternoon, which felt GREAT.
Also, I finally watched a movie with my husband we've been wanting to see for years, more on that at the end of the post!

I last wore my gold halter top clogs HERE with a different green outfit! Something about green and gold together, amiright?
I last wore my cactus printed t-shirt HERE with an all white look plus my cute cactus shaped purse!

These jeans were actually an early Fall Poshmark purchase. It is tricky buying jeans online but I remember really liking William Rast Jeans back in college so I thought maybe I would try them, they were only $10 and I had a credit to use so I gave them a shot. I'm not sure if I want to keep them or not. I don't know if they are actually 'flattering' but they are comfortable. I think I'm dissapointed that the legs aren't slimmer cut, the description said that they were skinny cut but I get that baggy knee syndrome...anybody else have this problem with jeans?
Honestly jeans are so annoying and uncomfortable sometimes that I just lean heavily to skirts and dresses but I'm trying to slowly incorporate pants and jeans again because I know it will (eventually) cool off and I'm also going on a trip back East next week where it is supposed to be much cooler...

 I'm wearing: hat-nordstrom rack, tee-secondhand, jeans-william rast (poshmark), clogs-c/o Sven, these are the deal of the day ON SALE HERE!

 Do you like my new (to me) jeans? I'm still thinking about them. At the least, they are good to wear around on the weekend and lazy/errand days.

Here's the movie we finally saw! It came out in 2014!
We both loved it. It was fabulous for foodies and family-minded viewers with a good sense of humor and enjoyment of cooking, eating, and/or reading food reviews/blogs! Really entertaining and we both wanted more after! Definitely didn't drag on or overdo any scenes, which I really appreciate! And no spoilers but it really WASN'T about the romance, it was more of a 'finding-yourself' movie which I LOVE sometimes and it just felt refreshing!
Have you seen it?
What's the last good movie you saw? xx
