halloween '19.

Happy Halloween! Today, I am my favorite pokemon of all time...Gengar! Also I am giving a bit of a nod to ghost-type trainer Agatha, before she was a little old lady, back in her hey day 90's original Pokemon Stadium character art when she was a middle aged lady with rockin' purple hair and two super strong gengars that kicked my butt in the Elite Four levels! Yes, I'm a bit of a gamer girl and nerd, sorry, I'll stop! Three years ago (see top right pic) I even carved a Gengar pumpkin! I last wore my Gengar tee HERE I last wore my purple pleated skirt AND purple clogs HERE with a Sailor Moon inspired look! I haven't worn my Gengar backpack on the blog ever (it doesn't fit very much) and my Gengar hat I've ended up letting my husband keep it since it looks so cute on him and he doesn't exactly have the extensive hat collection I do! I've seen a lot of Haul videos on youtube and costume reviews (sexy and otherwise) and I think it's i...