welcome to 2024!
(Above) a nice dinner at my parents' house to kick off the New Year.
I'm currently obsessed with 90s/80s big hair bows. I love that the barrettes from back then are also sturdy enough to hold onto my super-thick hair!
I think this vintage silk-blend Cache top i recently found at Savers might be the prettiest shirt I've ever thrifted (or close to it). It's so stunning! A complete dream!
This jacket (above) is part of 2 piece skirt set, but I like to wear it to walk Axel on a chilly day and layer with a thick sweater and scarf for extra warmth.
Any other big bok choy lovers out there (above)? I think it's one of my favorite Chinese dish components. I also love it in soup!
(above) styling a Desigual dress that I got on major clearance on Amazon and (below) layering a summery dress with a sweater to get more use out of it.
(above) Our friends went to Disney World and got Axel a gift which is honestly, way better than any gift for us could've been! He's obsessed with the Mickey stuffed fetch toys. (it came with 3).
Even though Axel HATES wearing his little booties to protect his paws from the cold/snow, we LOVE how they look and how he clip-clops around like a little horse. It's kind of adorable.
More Chinese food (above) and cozy sleep-in kinda afternoons (below)
I did a video (above) to style a puff sleeved dress in multiple ways since I thought it could help some of my instafriends and also make me be more creative despite the big sleeves that can sometimes be intimidating. (below) I love a good breakfast-for-dinner)!
I'm currently obsessed with 90s/80s big hair bows. I love that the barrettes from back then are also sturdy enough to hold onto my super-thick hair!
I think this vintage silk-blend Cache top i recently found at Savers might be the prettiest shirt I've ever thrifted (or close to it). It's so stunning! A complete dream!
This jacket (above) is part of 2 piece skirt set, but I like to wear it to walk Axel on a chilly day and layer with a thick sweater and scarf for extra warmth.
Any other big bok choy lovers out there (above)? I think it's one of my favorite Chinese dish components. I also love it in soup!
(above) styling a Desigual dress that I got on major clearance on Amazon and (below) layering a summery dress with a sweater to get more use out of it.
(above) Our friends went to Disney World and got Axel a gift which is honestly, way better than any gift for us could've been! He's obsessed with the Mickey stuffed fetch toys. (it came with 3).
Even though Axel HATES wearing his little booties to protect his paws from the cold/snow, we LOVE how they look and how he clip-clops around like a little horse. It's kind of adorable.
More Chinese food (above) and cozy sleep-in kinda afternoons (below)
I did a video (above) to style a puff sleeved dress in multiple ways since I thought it could help some of my instafriends and also make me be more creative despite the big sleeves that can sometimes be intimidating. (below) I love a good breakfast-for-dinner)!
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