adventures in dogsitting (ep. 3?)

I took some quick outfit pics by my cactus before the dogs arrived!
I'm wearing: thrifted loft skirt, thrifted ae outfitters tee, thrifted fossil belt, eBay justin boots
Axel and Ruby are BEST FRIENDS! I was laughing so hard when he kept grabbing her snout, I guess it seems to be something wolves do in the wild? He did a few times and she wasn't really into it, so he stopped!
They are like a yin yang when they are together! So cute!

Oh and I remixed my spider bracelet my husband got me by adding an extra chain and wearing it like a choker! I think this is more fun and as a bracelet, the legs were kind of itchy on my wrist, and it was like an inch or two too big, even with a tightened loop. I have super tiny wrists!
Here's happy Sophie! Ruby felt at home in the bathroom, with her own space.

Me and Axel have been binge watching Star vs the Forces of Evil all week! I'm really into it. He totally watches it too! xx
