end of January/Jeanuary looks.

For some reason, my new phone pics just weren't uploading right for the longest and I just avoided blogging for a while or took a break--however you want to see it. Here's my updated end of the month jean/denim infused styles! I'm really proud of these and my renewed inspiration and love for my jeans and denim wardrobe. I'm wearing: hat-nordstrom rack, jacket, denim top, rexy dino keychain-thrifted, jeans-coh, biker clogs c/o Sven Clogs, coach bag-birthday gift What I wore to go get labwork done for my Crohn's beret, shirt, jacket, bag, jeans, all thrifted! Sven clogs were customized rose gold by me! This is my 'dreaming of Valentines Day' look and honestly my currently most popular instagram post ever! I'm really obsessed with my new-to-me Lazy Oaf heart raincoat. I'm glad I spent the money to get it, it has become a total fave and joy bringer! Plus it rained like 4 times already! Borrowing my husband's pacman t-shirt for this comfy look! deni...