peach kitty casual.

This is definitely more casual than I usual dress but when I'm just at home anyway for the day and getting over some food that didn't agree with me...this seemed perfect! Plus, I really wanted the highlight of my look to be my new Peach Kitty tee!

 I'm wearing:

Peach Kitty Tee-Miss Patina London (new SALE item)

high waist jeans-Express (poshmark) last worn HERE

hat-from Canada (honeymoon)

sunglasses-anthropologie (old)

necklace-cat cameo from amazon (old)

Leopard clogs-c/o Sven Clogs, last worn HERE

Just warning y'all that I was overly excited by the great Miss Patina London savings during their Summer major clearance sale so I have a very Miss Patina heavy closet coming into the Fall and I'm SO happy about this fact! Hope you enjoy their fun and very cat-based designs as much as I do! xx
