sun & skort.

 Today was okay but mostly just unbearably hot and I was beginning to feel stir crazy and wanting to get home after being at my parents' house with my hands full poodle-sitting for three days and two nights. It was even crazier last night because we discovered that the noises coming from the roof and sides of the house for very likely raccoons--an actual giant raccoon was STARING at me and my husband through the sky window above the front door as he was getting ready to go back to our house for the night and we both kind of flipped out and I was able to talk him into staying and protecting from the raccoons.
It's not that I'm scared of raccoons exactly, I'm more scared that they might somehow get into the house and they are desperate and not very friendly animals that eat meat and have been known to eat cats and dogs while given the chance so I wasn't feeling super keen on having 'visitors' let's just say....
 I planned my outfit ahead for the #simplystyledjune fashion challenge and today was to wear a tank top so I decided to force myself to finally cut the tag and wear my skort I bought at Zara on sale last summer. It's so cute. I decided to just go for it and I really did enjoy wearing it. Yes it's pretty hot in AZ for velvet anything but it's very breathable and not too heavy. It might be better for night than daytime wear but I stayed inside most of the day so it wasn't bad at all! I'm not really used to a paperbag waist but I think at least it was pretty comfy to wear if not the most flattering shorts ever. Do you guys like paperbag waist clothing?

I'm wearing: tank top-urban outfitters, sunglasses-balenciaga (thrifted), skort-Zara, bag-liebskind berlin (thrifted), Sven bow clogs (black leather with red suede bow) 

 I haven't taking photos in my parents' yard in months but I'm glad I did today because the flowers are so pretty this time of year. I'm definitely feeling pro-skort after this outfit. I'm for sure going to figure out some other fun ways to wear it this summer and maybe in the fall with tights if I'm brave enough, we'll see! How was your weekend? xx


  1. I don't trust raccoons either. I have been startled by them on numerous accounts when I lived in the woods, but I guess that was kind of part of the living experience there (like seeing cute bear cubs wandering around too).

    This is a perfect casual outfit for summer. Your side braid is cute too :)

    1. thank you so much! Down with raccoons, haha! xx


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