pac-man dress.

 Happy Friday! Today is still Phoenix Fan Fusion (formerly Comic-Con) & I've gone before and had fun but I'm not going this year but still representing with my Pac-Man dress! The weird/cool thing about the dress is that instead of PacMan or Mrs. PacMan, it is actually a Mario head and there are a few random Princess Peaches scattered throughout the print as well. I think this was done accidentally, I'm not sure, it was a Christmas gift from a few years ago that I found from some random Asian label on Amazon and I honestly really love it.
This also seems like a good post to remind all of you fellow clog fans that Sven is having a HUGE Memorial Day Weekend sale with 20% off all clogs including closeout sales! Lots of deals to be had, you can even snag a pair like my new ones I'm wearing today for way cheaper than usual!

 I'm wearing: sunglasses-pacsun (old), dress-ladyqueen, bag-coach (2nd hand), Sven clogs

 Did you grow up playing Mario & Pacman like me? Do you like Comic Con events? I kind of feel like they turned into a combo of Insta-Op and Nerd Yard Sale but maybe they will be more fun with kids? Happy Friday! xx


  1. Offbrand Asian clothing used to be my favorite with their silly cuteness. This dress is a keeper – it's too fun!


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