
Showing posts from January, 2024

welcome to 2024!

(Above) a nice dinner at my parents' house to kick off the New Year. I'm currently obsessed with 90s/80s big hair bows. I love that the barrettes from back then are also sturdy enough to hold onto my super-thick hair! I think this vintage silk-blend Cache top i recently found at Savers might be the prettiest shirt I've ever thrifted (or close to it). It's so stunning! A complete dream! This jacket (above) is part of 2 piece skirt set, but I like to wear it to walk Axel on a chilly day and layer with a thick sweater and scarf for extra warmth.  Any other big bok choy lovers out there (above)? I think it's one of my favorite Chinese dish components. I also love it in soup!  (above) styling a Desigual dress that I got on major clearance on Amazon and (below) layering a summery dress with a sweater to get more use out of it. (above) Our friends went to Disney World and got Axel a gift which is honestly, way better than any gift for us could've been! He's obsesse...