
Showing posts from December, 2023

ending 2023 with some style.

Trying to clear out my closet as much as I can with some post-holiday sales! I've had this leopard print vintage Ralph Lauren blouse for years and I love layering it. Here's how I would wear my metallic Tessa Clogs with tights for a colder day. I'm wearing: vintage top, vintage jacket, vintage hard tail skirt, miss patina beret, tessa clogs How fun are all these colors together? I guess the outfit is a bit busy with all the texture and colors/patterns, but I stand by it as ending 2023 on a high (fashion) note! I'm wearing: vintage leather pandamodium jacket, lucky brand vest (thrifted), anthropologie jeans, coach bag (thrifted), stella mccartney sunglasses (secondhand), no 6 clogs from Poshmark.  Which outfit do you like better? Dressy vs Casual, I suppose! xx  

'Tis the Season

Axel (above) living his best Ferris Bueller (in the shower) mohawk moment! How festive is this vintage German Dirndl (above)? I know it's not 'healthy' but I love some crunch on my sushi rolls (below) Axel the reindeer! (above)  Wearing lots of flannel and red and green all season! This color scheme might be more 'autumn' than 'winter,' but I love this outfit and the little pop of teal with the bag was the cherry on top for me! It was also a comfy outfit for my Crohn's infusion (above).  And here's a detail shot of my pearl necklace that one of my instafriends gave to me as a gift recently.  Anyone else out there as obsessed with vintage corset-back leather jackets as I am? Here's a Yucatan Bay one that I found for dirt cheap on Poshmark! I didn't get it, but did want to show you how fun this coat at Savers Thrift is that I recently spotted. Very Johnny Was/ Anthropologie vibes. I'm definitely Team Embroidery (on everything).  Some more x...

some December highlights.

I got this anime-girl shirt and the consignment store and it reminds me of Sailor Moon's Rini/mini moon. I was, I'll admit, disappointed to learn that the Asian Characters underneath her face translate to complete gibberish, so I don't know how I feel about it. I wish brands would just take the time to consult with somebody that speaks/writes in Japanese or Chinese before just printing random characters/letters that don't mean anything! It's insulting, isn't it?  I also wore my purple beret with my purple (poshmark find) lazy oaf heart jacket for the first time.  How cute is the little Christmas-y snow tipped cacuts and palm on the Dutch Bros holiday cups this year? What's your drink of choice? Mine is a cappuccino!  My mom took these pics of me by a beautiful bougainvillea near the supermarket. This outfit is definitely on my to-rewear list. I felt really stylish, but also not-trying-too-hard in this look!  I went with the cactus and pink vibe and debuted m...