year 35.

I'm feeling sort of at the age when I struggle to remember which number comes after the 3. Once I turned 30, and shortly after developed Crohns Disease, I just didn't care about my age anymore. I had more of a focus on being healthy and still have that constant itch of wanting to be a mom despite my struggles with my health/body fighting itself (autoimmune disease life is hard, ya'll). Never the less, she persisted. I'm getting through it and a large part of my success in reclaiming my life and chasing my dreams is my family, friends, and extremely supportive husband. I also credit a lot of my happiness to my dog, Axel. He is absolutely a light in my life and I feel sad when I'm away from him too long (like more than 5 hours to be honest). My friend Jenna sent me these cool 'mood ring' earrings for my birthday! They haven't changed color so far, but I'm going to keep an eye on them and try wearing them for extended periods to see if they change! Eve...