what to wear for a New Years at home doing cottagecore things.

I did a thing! I refinished my patent black clogs that I hardly ever wore and planned on reselling in ROSEGOLD! I'm basically obsessed. I know for a fact that I will wear these WAYYYYY more! Them came out so great and feel perfect to wear to kick 2020 in the butt! HERE they are before their glow up. I'm wearing: beret-poshmark, sunglasses-oui fresh, miss patina book cat dress-poshmark, tall socks-american apparel (old), rose gold clogs-Sven Clogs (DIY) I had what one of my friends calls a cottagcore kinda day. My husband went biking so I did some coloring, relearned Mancala (SO worth it), baked marble cupcakes, made sour cream chocolate frosting, got a brand new book my friend gave me that is a Red Riding Hood retelling (so appropriate) and then we ended up ordering in from our favorite local Mexican Restaurant for dinner. It was just what I needed! xx